Function Version Purpose Arguments
AND Excel 2003 Test multiple conditions at the same time logical1 logical2 ...
FALSE Excel 2003 Generate the logical value FALSE
IF Excel 2003 Test for a specific condition logical_test value_if_true value_if_false
IFERROR Excel 2007 Trap and handle errors value value_if_error
IFNA Excel 2013 Trap and handle #N/A errors value value_if_na
IFS Excel 2019 Test multiple conditions, return first true test1 value1 test2, value2 ...
NOT Excel 2003 Reverse arguments or results logical
OR Excel 2003 Test multiple conditions at the same time logical1 logical2 ...
SWITCH Excel 2019 Match multiple values, return first match expression val1/result1 val2/result2 ... default
TRUE Excel 2003 Generate the logical value TRUE
XOR Excel 2013 Perform exclusive OR logical1 logical2 ...
#Date and time
Function Version Purpose Arguments
DATE Excel 2003 Create a date with year, month, and day year month day
DATEDIF Excel 2003 Get days, months, or years between two dates start_date end_date unit
DATEVALUE Excel 2003 Convert a date in text format to a valid date date_text
DAY Excel 2003 Get the day as a number (1-31) from a date date
DAYS Excel 2013 Count days between dates end_date start_date
DAYS360 Excel 2003 Get days between 2 dates in a 360-day year start_date end_date method
EDATE Excel 2003 Get date n months in future or past start_date months
EOMONTH Excel 2003 Get last day of month n months in future or past start_date months
HOUR Excel 2003 Get the hour as a number (0-23) from a Time serial_number
ISOWEEKNUM Excel 2013 Get ISO week number for a given date date
MINUTE Excel 2003 Get minute as a number (0-59) from time serial_number
MONTH Excel 2003 Get month as a number (1-12) from a date serial_number
NETWORKDAYS Excel 2003 Get the number of working days between two dates start_date end_date holidays
NETWORKDAYS.INTL Excel 2010 Get work days between two dates start_date end_date weekend holidays
NOW Excel 2003 Get the current date and time
SECOND Excel 2003 Get the Second as a number (0-59) from a Time serial_number
TIME Excel 2003 Create a valid time with hours, minutes, and seconds hour minute second
TIMEVALUE Excel 2003 Get a valid time from a text string time_text
TODAY Excel 2003 Get the current date
WEEKDAY Excel 2003 Get the day of the week as a number serial_number return_type
WEEKNUM Excel 2003 Get the week number for a given date serial_num return_type
WORKDAY Excel 2003 Get a date n working days in the future or past start_date days holidays
WORKDAY.INTL Excel 2010 Get a date n working days in the future or past start_date days weekend holidays
YEAR Excel 2003 Get the year from a date date
YEARFRAC Excel 2003 Get the fraction of a year between two dates start_date end_date basis
#Lookup and reference
Function Version Purpose Arguments
ADDRESS Excel 2003 Create a cell address from a row and column number row_num col_num abs_num a1 sheet
AREAS Excel 2003 Get the number of areas in a reference. reference
CHOOSE Excel 2003 Get a value from a list based on position index_num value1 value2 ...
COLUMN Excel 2003 Get the column number of a reference. reference
COLUMNS Excel 2003 Get the number of columns in an array or reference. array
FIELDVALUE Excel 365 Extract field value from a data type value field_name
FORMULATEXT Excel 2013 Get the formula in a cell reference
GETPIVOTDATA Excel 2003 Retrieve data from a pivot table in a formula data_field pivot_table field1, item1 ...
HLOOKUP Excel 2003 Look up a value in a table arranged horizontally lookup_value table_array row_index range_lookup
HYPERLINK Excel 2003 Create a clickable link. link_location friendly_name
INDEX Excel 2003 Get a value in a list or table based on location array row_num col_num area_num
INDIRECT Excel 2003 Create a reference from text ref_text a1
LOOKUP Excel 2003 Look up a value in a one-column range lookup_value lookup_vector result_vector
MATCH Excel 2003 Get the position of an item in an array lookup_value lookup_array match_type
OFFSET Excel 2003 Create a reference offset from given starting point reference rows cols height width
ROW Excel 2003 Get the row number of a reference reference
ROWS Excel 2003 Get the number of rows in an array or reference. array
TRANSPOSE Excel 2003 Flip the orientation of a range of cells array
VLOOKUP Excel 2003 Look up and retrieve a value in a table lookup_value table_array column_index_num range_lookup
Function Version Purpose Arguments
CHAR Excel 2003 Get a character from a number number
CLEAN Excel 2003 Strip non-printable characters from text text
CODE Excel 2003 Get the code for a character text
CONCAT Excel 2019 Join text values without delimiter text1 text2 ...
CONCATENATE Excel 2003 Join text together text1 text2 text3 ...
DOLLAR Excel 2003 Convert a number to text in currency format number decimals
EXACT Excel 2003 Compare two text strings text1 text2
FIND Excel 2003 Get the position of one text string inside another find_text within_text start_num
FIXED Excel 2003 Format number as text with fixed decimals number decimals no_commas
LEFT Excel 2003 Extract text from the left of a string text num_chars
LEN Excel 2003 Get the length of text. text
LOWER Excel 2003 Convert text to lower case text
MID Excel 2003 Extract text from inside a string text start_num num_chars
NUMBERVALUE Excel 2013 Convert text to number with custom separators text decimal_separator group_separator
PROPER Excel 2003 Capitalize the first letter in each word text
REPLACE Excel 2003 Replace text based on location old_text start_num num_chars new_text
REPT Excel 2003 Repeat text as specified text number_times
RIGHT Excel 2003 Extract text from the right of a string text num_chars
SEARCH Excel 2003 Get the location of substring in a string find_text within_text start_num
SUBSTITUTE Excel 2003 Replace text based on content text old_text new_text instance
TEXT Excel 2003 Convert a number to text with a number format value format_text
TEXTJOIN Excel 2019 Join text values with a delimiter delimiter ignore_empty text1 text2 ...
TRIM Excel 2003 Remove extra spaces from text text
UNICHAR Excel 2013 Get Unicode character by number number
UNICODE Excel 2013 Get number from Unicode character text
UPPER Excel 2003 Convert text to upper case text
VALUE Excel 2003 Convert text to a number text
#Dynamic array
Function Version Purpose Arguments
ARRAYTOTEXT Excel 365 Converts array or range to a text string array format
BYCOL Excel 365 Apply function to column array lambda
BYROW Excel 365 Apply function to row array lambda
CHOOSECOLS Excel 365 Return specific columns from an array array col_num1 col_num2 ...
CHOOSEROWS Excel 365 Return specific rows from an array array row_num1 row_num2 ...
DROP Excel 365 Remove portion of an array array rows col
EXPAND Excel 365 Expand array by adding rows or columns array rows columns pad_with
FILTER Excel 2021 Filter range with given criteria array include if_empty
GROUPBY Beta Summarize data by grouping rows row_fields values function field_headers total_depth sort_order filter_array
HSTACK Excel 365 Combine ranges or arrays horizontally array1 array2 ...
IMAGE Excel 365 Retrieve image to Excel from the Internet source alt_text sizing height width
ISOMITTED Excel 365 Check for optional arguments in LAMBDAs argument
LAMBDA Excel 365 Create custom function parameter ... calculation
LET Excel 2021 Assign variables inside formula name1 value1 name2/value2 ... result
MAKEARRAY Excel 365 Create array with calculated values rows columns function
MAP Excel 365 Map array to custom function array1 array2 ... lambda
PERCENTOF Beta Return a subset of data as a percentage of all data data_subset all_data
PIVOTBY Beta Summarize data by grouping rows and columns row_fields col_fields values function field_headers row_total_depth row_sort_order col_total_depth col_sort_order filter_array
RANDARRAY Excel 2021 Get array of random numbers rows columns min max integer
REDUCE Excel 365 Reduce an array initial_value array lambda
REGEXEXTRACT Beta Extract text with regex pattern text pattern return_mode case_sensitivity
REGEXREPLACE Beta Replace text with a regex pattern text pattern replacement occurrence case_sensitivity
REGEXTEST Beta Test a value for a specific pattern of text text pattern case_sensitivity
SCAN Excel 365 Scan array and return intermediate results initial_value array lambda
SEQUENCE Excel 2021 Get array of list of sequential numbers rows columns start step
SORT Excel 2021 Sorts range or array array sort_index sort_order by_col
SORTBY Excel 2021 Sorts range or array by column array by_array sort_order array/order ...
STOCKHISTORY Excel 365 Retrieve stock price information stock start_date end_date interval headers properties ...
TAKE Excel 365 Get a subset of an array array rows col
TEXTAFTER Excel 365 Extract text after a delimiter text delimiter instance_num match_mode match_end if_not_found
TEXTBEFORE Excel 365 Extract text before a delimiter text delimiter instance_num match_mode match_end if_not_found
TEXTSPLIT Excel 365 Split a text string with a delimiter text col_delimiter row_delimiter ignore_empty match_mode pad_with
TOCOL Excel 365 Transform array to single column array ignore scan_by_column
TOROW Excel 365 Transform array to single row array ignore scan_by_column
UNIQUE Excel 2021 Extract unique values from range array by_col exactly_once
VALUETOTEXT Excel 365 Converts a value to a text string value format
VSTACK Excel 365 Combine ranges or arrays vertically array1 array2 ...
WRAPCOLS Excel 365 Wrap array into columns vector wrap_count pad_with
WRAPROWS Excel 365 Wrap array into rows vector wrap_count pad_with
XLOOKUP Excel 2021 Look up values in range or array lookup lookup_array return_array not_found match_mode search_mode
XMATCH Excel 2021 Get the position of an item in a list or table lookup_value lookup_array match_mode search_mode
Function Version Purpose Arguments
BIN2DEC Excel 2003 Converts a binary number to decimal number
BIN2HEX Excel 2003 Converts a binary number to hexadecimal number places
BIN2OCT Excel 2003 Converts a binary number to octal number places
BITAND Excel 2013 Returns a 'Bitwise And' of two numbers number1 number2
BITLSHIFT Excel 2013 Returns a number shifted left by some number of bits number shift_amount
BITOR Excel 2013 Returns a 'Bitwise Or' of two numbers number1 number2
BITRSHIFT Excel 2013 Returns a number shifted right by some number of bits number shift_amount
BITXOR Excel 2013 Returns a 'Bitwise Xor' of two numbers number1 number2
COMPLEX Excel 2003 Convert coefficients to complex number real_num i_num suffix
CONVERT Excel 2003 Convert measurement units number from_unit to_unit
DEC2BIN Excel 2003 Converts a decimal number to binary number places
DEC2HEX Excel 2003 Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal number places
DEC2OCT Excel 2003 Converts a decimal number to octal number places
DELTA Excel 2003 Test two values are equal number1 number2
HEX2BIN Excel 2003 Converts a hexadecimal number to binary number places
HEX2DEC Excel 2003 Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal number
HEX2OCT Excel 2003 Converts a hexadecimal number to octal number places
IMABS Excel 2003 Get absolute value of complex number inumber
IMAGINARY Excel 2003 Get imaginary coefficient of complex number inumber
IMARGUMENT Excel 2003 Get the angle of a complex number. complex_num
IMCONJUGATE Excel 2003 Get the complex conjugate of complex number. complex_num
IMCOS Excel 2003 Get cosine of complex number. complex_num
IMCOT Excel 2013 Get cotangent of complex number. complex_num
IMCSC Excel 2013 Get cosecant of complex number complex_num
IMDIV Excel 2003 Get quotient of two complex numbers. complex_num1 complex_num2
IMEXP Excel 2003 Get exponential of complex number. complex_num
IMLN Excel 2003 Get natural log complex number complex_num
IMLOG10 Excel 2003 Returns the base-10 logarithm of a complex number. complex_num
IMLOG2 Excel 2003 Get base-2 log of a complex number. complex_num
IMPOWER Excel 2003 Raise complex number to given power inumber number
IMPRODUCT Excel 2003 Get product of complex numbers inumber1 inumber2 ...
IMREAL Excel 2003 Get real coefficient of complex number inumber
IMSEC Excel 2013 Get secant of complex number complex_num
IMSIN Excel 2003 Get sine of complex number. complex_num
IMSUB Excel 2003 Get difference between two complex numbers inumber1 inumber2
IMSUM Excel 2003 Get sum of complex numbers inumber1 inumber2 ...
IMTAN Excel 2013 Get the tangent of a complex number. complex_num
Function Version Purpose Arguments
ACCRINT Excel 2003 Get accrued interest periodic id fd sd rate par freq basis calc
ACCRINTM Excel 2003 Get accrued interest at maturity id sd rate par basis
AMORDEGRC Excel 2003 Depreciation for accounting period coefficient cost purchase first salvage period rate basis
AMORLINC Excel 2003 Depreciation for accounting period cost purchase first salvage period rate basis
COUPDAYBS Excel 2003 Get days from coupon period to settlement date settlement maturity frequency basis
COUPDAYS Excel 2003 Get days in coupon period incl settlement date settlement maturity frequency basis
COUPDAYSNC Excel 2003 Get days from settlement date to next coupon date settlement maturity frequency basis
COUPNCD Excel 2003 Get next coupon date after settlement date settlement maturity frequency basis
COUPNUM Excel 2003 Get number of coupons payable settlement maturity frequency basis
COUPPCD Excel 2003 Get previous coupon date before settlement date settlement maturity frequency basis
CUMIPMT Excel 2003 Get cumulative interest paid on a loan rate nper pv start_period end_period type
CUMPRINC Excel 2003 Get cumulative principal paid on a loan rate nper pv start_period end_period type
DB Excel 2003 Depreciation - fixed-declining balance cost salvage life period month
DDB Excel 2003 Depreciation - double-declining cost salvage life period factor
DISC Excel 2003 Get discount rate for a security settlement maturity pr redemption basis
DOLLARDE Excel 2003 Convert dollar price as fraction to decimal fractional_dollar fraction
DOLLARFR Excel 2003 Convert price to fractional notation decimal_dollar fraction
DURATION Excel 2003 Get annual duration with periodic interest settlement maturity coupon yld freq basis
EFFECT Excel 2003 Get effective annual interest rate nominal_rate npery
FV Excel 2003 Get the future value of an investment rate nper pmt pv type
FVSCHEDULE Excel 2003 Get future value of principal compound interest principal schedule
INTRATE Excel 2003 Get interest rate for fully invested security settlement maturity investment redemption basis
IPMT Excel 2003 Get interest in given period rate per nper pv fv type
IRR Excel 2003 Calculate internal rate of return values guess
ISPMT Excel 2003 Get interest paid for specific period rate per nper pv
MDURATION Excel 2003 Get Macauley modified duration par value of $100 settlement maturity coupon yld freq basis
MIRR Excel 2003 Calculate modified internal rate of return values finance_rate reinvest_rate
NOMINAL Excel 2003 Get annual nominal interest rate effect_rate npery
NPER Excel 2003 Get number of periods for loan or investment rate pmt pv fv type
NPV Excel 2003 Calculate net present value rate value1 value2 ...
ODDFPRICE Excel 2003 Get price per $100 odd first period sd md id fd rate yld redem freq basis
ODDFYIELD Excel 2003 Get yield security with odd first period sd md id fd rate pr redem freq basis
ODDLPRICE Excel 2003 Get price per $100 face value with odd last period sd md id rate yld redem freq basis
ODDLYIELD Excel 2003 Get yield of security with odd last period sd md ld rate pr redem freq basis
PDURATION Excel 2013 Get periods required to reach given value rate pv fv
PMT Excel 2003 Get the periodic payment for a loan rate nper pv fv type
PPMT Excel 2003 Get principal payment in given period rate per nper pv fv type
PRICE Excel 2003 Get price per $100 face value - periodic interest sd md rate yld redemption frequency basis
PRICEDISC Excel 2003 Get price per $100 discounted security sd md discount redemption basis
PRICEMAT Excel 2003 Get price per $100 interest at maturity sd md id rate yld basis
PV Excel 2003 Get the present value of an investment rate nper pmt fv type
RATE Excel 2003 Get the interest rate per period of an annuity nper pmt pv fv type guess
RECEIVED Excel 2003 Get amount received at maturity settlement maturity investment discount basis
RRI Excel 2013 Get equivalent interest rate for growth nper pv fv
SLN Excel 2003 Depreciation - straight-line cost salvage life
SYD Excel 2003 Depreciation - sum-of-years cost salvage life period
TBILLEQ Excel 2003 Get bond-equivalent yield for a Treasury bill settlement maturity discount
TBILLPRICE Excel 2003 Get price per $100 Treasury bill settlement maturity discount
TBILLYIELD Excel 2003 Get yield for a Treasury bill settlement maturity price
VDB Excel 2003 Depreciation - double-declining variable cost salvage life start end factor no_switch
XIRR Excel 2003 Calculate internal rate of return for irregular cash flows values dates guess
XNPV Excel 2003 Calculate net present value for irregular cash flows rate values dates
YIELD Excel 2003 Get yield for security that pays periodic interest sd md rate pr redemption frequency basis
YIELDDISC Excel 2003 Get annual yield for discounted security sd md pr redemption basis
YIELDMAT Excel 2003 Get annual yield of security interest at maturity sd md id rate pr basis
Function Version Purpose Arguments
CELL Excel 2003 Get information about a cell info_type reference
ERROR.TYPE Excel 2003 Test for a specific error value error_val
INFO Excel 2003 Get information about current environment type_text
ISBLANK Excel 2003 Test if a cell is empty value
ISERR Excel 2003 Test for any error but #N/A value
ISERROR Excel 2003 Test for any error value
ISEVEN Excel 2003 Test if a value is even value
ISFORMULA Excel 2013 Test if cell contains a formula reference
ISLOGICAL Excel 2003 Test if a value is logical value
ISNA Excel 2003 Test for the #N/A error value
ISNONTEXT Excel 2003 Test for a non-text value value
ISNUMBER Excel 2003 Test for numeric value value
ISODD Excel 2003 Test if a value is odd value
ISREF Excel 2003 Test for a reference value
ISTEXT Excel 2003 Test for a text value value
N Excel 2003 Convert a value to a number value
NA Excel 2003 Create an #N/A error
SHEET Excel 2013 Get sheet index number value
SHEETS Excel 2013 Get number of sheets in a reference reference
T Excel 2003 Filter text values only value
TYPE Excel 2003 Get the type of value in a cell value
Function Version Purpose Arguments
ABS Excel 2003 Find the absolute value of a number number
AGGREGATE Excel 2010 Return aggregate calculation function_num options ref1 ref2 ...
ARABIC Excel 2013 Converts a Roman numerals to an Arabic numerals roman_text
BASE Excel 2013 Convert number to another base. number radix min_length
CEILING Excel 2003 Round a number up to nearest multiple number significance
CEILING.MATH Excel 2013 Round a number up to nearest multiple number significance mode
CEILING.PRECISE Excel 2010 Round a number up to nearest multiple number significance
COMBIN Excel 2003 Get number of combinations without repetitions number number_chosen
COMBINA Excel 2013 Get number of combinations with repetitions number number_chosen
DECIMAL Excel 2013 Convert a number in a different base to a decimal number number radix
EVEN Excel 2003 Round a number up to the next even integer number
EXP Excel 2003 Find the value of e raised to the power of a number number
FACT Excel 2003 Find the factorial of a number number
FACTDOUBLE Excel 2003 Get double factorial of a number number
FLOOR Excel 2003 Round a number down to the nearest specified multiple number significance
FLOOR.MATH Excel 2013 Round number down to nearest multiple number significance mode
FLOOR.PRECISE Excel 2010 Round number down to nearest multiple number significance
GCD Excel 2003 Get the greatest common divisor of numbers number1 number2 ...
INT Excel 2003 Get the integer part of a number by rounding down number
LCM Excel 2003 Get the least common multiple of numbers number1 number2 ...
LN Excel 2003 Get the natural logarithm of a number number
LOG Excel 2003 Get the logarithm of a number number base
LOG10 Excel 2003 Get the base-10 logarithm of a number number
MDETERM Excel 2003 Get matrix determinant of given array array
MINVERSE Excel 2003 Get inverse matrix of array array
MMULT Excel 2003 Perform matrix multiplication array1 array2
MOD Excel 2003 Get the remainder from division number divisor
MROUND Excel 2003 Round a number to the nearest specified multiple number significance
MUNIT Excel 2013 Return unit matrix for a given dimension dimension
ODD Excel 2003 Round a number up to the next odd integer number
PI Excel 2003 Get the value of π
POWER Excel 2003 Raise a number to a power number power
PRODUCT Excel 2003 Get the product of supplied numbers number1 number2 ...
QUOTIENT Excel 2003 Returns the quotient without a remainder. numerator denominator
RAND Excel 2003 Get a random number between 0 and 1
RANDBETWEEN Excel 2003 Get a random integer between two values bottom top
ROMAN Excel 2003 Converts numbers to Roman numerals number form
ROUND Excel 2003 Round a number to a given number of digits number num_digits
ROUNDDOWN Excel 2003 Round down to given number of digits number num_digits
ROUNDUP Excel 2003 Round a number up to a given number of digits number num_digits
SIGN Excel 2003 Get the sign of a number number
SQRT Excel 2003 Find the positive square root of a number number
SUBTOTAL Excel 2003 Get a subtotal in a list or database function_num ref1 ref2 ...
SUM Excel 2003 Add numbers together number1 number2 number3 ...
SUMIF Excel 2003 Sum cells in a range that meet criteria range criteria sum_range
SUMIFS Excel 2007 Sum cells in a range that meet criteria sum_range range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
SUMPRODUCT Excel 2003 Multiply, then sum arrays array1 array2 ...
SUMSQ Excel 2003 Get sum of squares of supplied values number1 number2 ...
SUMX2MY2 Excel 2003 Sum of difference of squares in two arrays array_x array_y
SUMX2PY2 Excel 2003 Get sum of squares in two arrays array_x array_y
SUMXMY2 Excel 2003 Sum of squares of differences in two arrays array_x array_y
TRUNC Excel 2003 Truncate a number to a given precision number num_digits
Function Version Purpose Arguments
ACOS Excel 2003 Get the inverse cosine of a value, in radians. number
ACOSH Excel 2003 Get inverse hyperbolic cosine number. number
ASIN Excel 2003 Return the inverse sine of a value in radians. number
ASINH Excel 2003 Get inverse hyperbolic sine of number. number
ATAN Excel 2003 Get arctangent of a number number
ATAN2 Excel 2003 Get arctangent from x- and y-coordinates x_num y_num
COS Excel 2003 Get the cosine of an angle provided in radians. number
COSH Excel 2003 Get hyperbolic cosine of a number number
COT Excel 2013 Get the cotangent of an angle. number
CSC Excel 2013 Get cosecant of an angle number
DEGREES Excel 2003 Converts radians to degrees angle
RADIANS Excel 2003 Converts degrees into radians angle
SEC Excel 2013 Get secant of an angle number
SIN Excel 2003 Get the sine of an angle provided in radians. number
SINH Excel 2003 Get hyperbolic sine of a number. number
TAN Excel 2003 Get the tangent of an angle number
TANH Excel 2003 Get hyperbolic tangent of a number. number
Function Version Purpose Arguments
AVEDEV Excel 2003 Get sum of squared deviations number1 number2 ...
AVERAGE Excel 2003 Get the average of a group of numbers number1 number2 ...
AVERAGEA Excel 2003 Get the average of a group of numbers and text value1 value2 ...
AVERAGEIF Excel 2007 Get the average of numbers that meet criteria. range criteria average_range
AVERAGEIFS Excel 2007 Average cells that match multiple criteria avg_rng range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
BINOM.DIST Excel 2010 Get binomial distribution probability number_s trials probability_s cumulative
BINOMDIST Excel 2003 Get binomial distribution probability number_s trials probability_s cumulative
COUNT Excel 2003 Count numbers value1 value2 ...
COUNTA Excel 2003 Count the number of non-blank cells value1 value2 ...
COUNTBLANK Excel 2003 Count cells that are blank range
COUNTIF Excel 2003 Count cells that match criteria range criteria
COUNTIFS Excel 2007 Count cells that match multiple criteria range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
DEVSQ Excel 2003 Get sum of squared deviations number1 number2 ...
FORECAST Excel 2003 Predict value along a linear trend x known_ys known_xs
FORECAST.ETS Excel 2016 Predict value with a seasonal trend target_date values timeline seasonality data_completion aggregation
FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT Excel 2016 Get confidence interval for forecast value at given date target_date values timeline confidence_level seasonality data_completion aggregation
FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY Excel 2016 Get length of the seasonal pattern values timeline data_completion aggregation
FORECAST.ETS.STAT Excel 2016 Get statistical value related to forecasting values timeline statistic_type seasonality data_completion aggregation
FORECAST.LINEAR Excel 2016 Predict value along a linear trend x known_ys known_xs
FREQUENCY Excel 2003 Get the frequency of values in a data set data_array bins_array
GEOMEAN Excel 2003 Calculate geometric mean number1 number2 ...
HARMEAN Excel 2003 Calculate harmonic mean number1 number2 ...
INTERCEPT Excel 2003 Get intercept of linear regression line known_ys known_xs
LARGE Excel 2003 Get nth largest value array k
LINEST Excel 2003 Get parameters of linear trend known_ys known_xs const stats
MAX Excel 2003 Get the largest value number1 number2 ...
MAXA Excel 2003 Return largest value. value1 value2 ...
MAXIFS Excel 2019 Get maximum value with criteria max_range range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
MEDIAN Excel 2003 Get the median of a group of numbers number1 number2 ...
MIN Excel 2003 Get the smallest value. number1 number2 ...
MINA Excel 2003 Return smallest value. value1 value2 ...
MINIFS Excel 2019 Get minimum value with criteria min_range range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
MODE Excel 2003 Get most frequently occurring number number1 number2 ...
MODE.MULT Excel 2010 Get most frequently occurring numbers number1 number2 ...
MODE.SNGL Excel 2010 Get most frequently occurring number number1 number2 ...
NORM.DIST Excel 2010 Get values and areas for the normal distribution x mean standard_dev cumulative
NORM.INV Excel 2010 Get the inverse of normal cumulative distribution probability mean standard_dev
NORM.S.DIST Excel 2010 Get the standard normal CDF and PDF. z cumulative
NORM.S.INV Excel 2010 Get inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution probability
PERCENTILE Excel 2003 Get kth percentile array k
PERCENTILE.EXC Excel 2010 Get kth percentile array k
PERCENTILE.INC Excel 2010 Get kth percentile array k
PERCENTRANK Excel 2003 Get percentile rank, inclusive array x significance
PERCENTRANK.EXC Excel 2010 Get percentile rank, exclusive array x significance
PERCENTRANK.INC Excel 2010 Get percentile rank, inclusive array x significance
PERMUT Excel 2003 Get number of permutations without repetitions number number_chosen
PERMUTATIONA Excel 2013 Get number of permutations with repetitions number number_chosen
QUARTILE Excel 2003 Get the quartile in a data set array quart
QUARTILE.EXC Excel 2010 Get the quartile in a data set array quart
QUARTILE.INC Excel 2010 Get the quartile in a data set array quart
RANK Excel 2003 Rank a number against a range of numbers number ref order
RANK.AVG Excel 2010 Rank a number against a range of numbers number ref order
RANK.EQ Excel 2010 Rank a number against a range of numbers number ref order
SKEW Excel 2003 Get skewness of a distribution number1 number2 ...
SKEW.P Excel 2013 Get skewness of a distribution based on population number1 number2 ...
SLOPE Excel 2003 Get slope of linear regression line known_ys known_xs
SMALL Excel 2003 Get nth smallest value array k
STANDARDIZE Excel 2003 Calculate a normalized value (z-score) x mean standard_dev
STDEV Excel 2003 Get the standard deviation in a sample number1 number2 ...
STDEV.P Excel 2010 Get standard deviation of population number1 number2 ...
STDEV.S Excel 2010 Get the standard deviation in a sample number1 number2 ...
STDEVA Excel 2003 Get standard deviation in a sample number1 number2 ...
STDEVP Excel 2003 Get standard deviation of population number1 number2 ...
STDEVPA Excel 2003 Get standard deviation for a population number1 number2 ...
TRIMMEAN Excel 2003 Calculate mean excluding outliers array percent
VAR Excel 2003 Get variation of a sample number1 number2 ...
VAR.P Excel 2010 Get variation of population number1 number2 ...
VAR.S Excel 2010 Get variation of a sample number1 number2 ...
VARA Excel 2003 Get variation of a sample number1 number2 ...
VARP Excel 2003 Get variation of a population number1 number2 ...
VARPA Excel 2003 Get variation of a population number1 number2 ...
Function Version Purpose Arguments
ENCODEURL Excel 2013 Get URL-encoded string text
FILTERXML Excel 2013 Get data from XML with Xpath xml xpath
WEBSERVICE Excel 2013 Get data from a web service url
Function Version Purpose Arguments
DAVERAGE Excel 2003 Get average from matching records database field criteria
DCOUNT Excel 2003 Count matching records in a database database field criteria
DCOUNTA Excel 2003 Count matching records in a database database field criteria
DGET Excel 2003 Get value from matching record database field criteria
DMAX Excel 2003 Get max from matching records database field criteria
DMIN Excel 2003 Get min from matching records database field criteria
DPRODUCT Excel 2003 Get product from matching records database field criteria
DSTDEV Excel 2003 Get standard deviation of sample in matching records database field criteria
DSTDEVP Excel 2003 Get standard deviation of population in matching records database field criteria
DSUM Excel 2003 Get sum from matching records database field criteria
DVAR Excel 2003 Get sample variance for matching records database field criteria
DVARP Excel 2003 Get population variance for matching records database field criteria