Featured Formulas

Average if with filter

In this example, the goal is to calculate an average for any given group ("A", "B", or "C") across all three months of data in the range C5:E16. For convenience only, data (C5:E16) and group (B5:B16) are named ranges. In...Read more

Featured Functions

LET Function

The LET function lets you define named variables in a formula. There are two primary reasons you might want to do this: (1) to improve performance by eliminating redundant calculations and (2) to make more complex formulas easier to read and write. Once a variable is named, it can be...Read more

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I appreciate the format of the website & the manner in which you present the formulae for each function, or solution. The solutions are well laid out, with a good break-down of the formulae and well written explanations. Exceljet has been my website of choice when looking for a solution, or an improvement, for a number of years.
I cannot tell you how much you have helped me. You give understandable examples, use common sense in what people might want to do next with the info, offer multiple ways of doing things (arrays versus not) and just plain explain things well!!!!!
I was recently struggling with some pivot table issues and found your website is truly the most thorough and clean excel learning source on the internet. Please keep up the good work :)

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