Featured Formulas

Average top 3 scores

In this example, the goal is to calculate an average of the top 3 quiz scores for each name listed in column B. For reference, column H has a formula that calculates an average of all 4 scores. This is a slightly tricky problem, because it's not obvious how to limit the scores included in the...Read more

Featured Functions

UNIQUE Function

The Excel UNIQUE function extracts a list of unique values from a range or array. The result is a dynamic array of unique values. If this array is the final result (i.e. not handed off to another function), array values will "spill" onto the worksheet into a range...Read more

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This is the most easy to understand demo of VLOOKUP I've ever come across. Thanks!
Just one big thank you for the amazingly easy videos you send regarding Excel formulae etc. Your explanations are easy to understand and to copy in Excel while you are busy explaining.
I felt compelled to send my thanks for your clear, informative, concise, and just very helpful videos. I have been thrust a data management assignment without training and far outside my usual duties, so these have been invaluable.

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