Return value
- complex_num - The complex number in the form "x+yi".
How to use
The Excel IMSINH function returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number. For example, given 1+π/2i as input, the function returns -4.10319E-15 + 1.543080635i as output.
=IMSINH(COMPLEX(1, PI()/2)) // returns -4.10319E-15 + 1.543080635i
When the function's output is plotted over the complex plane, the real output along the real axis traces the shape of the SINH function.
=IMSINH(COMPLEX(x,0)) // returns SINH(x) + 0i
The imaginary output along the imaginary axis traces the shape of the SIN function.
=IMSINH(COMPLEX(0,y)) // returns 0 + SIN(y)i
The function can be defined for complex input using the SIN, COS, SINH, and COSH functions, which take real numbers as input.