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In this example, the goal is to calculate a workday n days in the future based on a 4-day workweek and, optionally, holidays. For convenience, start (B5), days (B8), and holidays (B11:B13) are...Read more
In this article, we look at some cool ways that you can use Excel's conditional formatting feature to quickly visualize important data.Read more
Note: Excel contains many built-in "presets" for highlighting values with conditional formatting, including a preset to highlight cells that equal a specific value. However, for more flexibility, you can use your own formula, as explained in this article.
If you want to...Read more
Conditional formatting is evaluated for each cell in the range, relative to the upper left cell in the selection. In this case, the formula uses the MOD function to check the remainder of dividing the value in each cell, with the value in cell E2, which is 9. When the remainder is zero, we know...Read more
When you use a formula to apply conditional formatting, the formula is evaluated relative to the active cell in the selection at the time the rule is created. So, in this case the formula =B4>100 is evaluated for each of the 40 cells in B4:G11. Because B4 is entered as a relative address, the...Read more
When you use a formula to apply conditional formatting, the formula is evaluated for every cell in the selection. In this case, there are no addresses in the formula, so, for every cell in the data, the ROW and ISEVEN functions are run. ROW returns the row number of the cell, and ISEVEN returns...Read more
When you use a formula to apply conditional formatting, the formula is evaluated for each cell in the range, relative to the active cell in the selection at the time the rule is created. So, in this case, if you apply the rule to B4:G11, with B4 as the active cell, the rule is evaluated for...Read more
In this example, the goal is to highlight differences in two ranges, B2:B11 and C2:C11, using conditional formatting. To do this, we need to create a new conditional formatting rule, triggered by a formula, like this:
The Excel AND function is a logical function used to test multiple conditions at the same time. AND returns TRUE only if all the conditions are met. If any conditions are not met, the AND function returns FALSE. The AND function is commonly used with other...Read more
When you use a formula to apply conditional formatting, the formula is evaluated for each cell in the range, relative to the active cell in the selection at the time the rule is created. So, in this case, if you apply the rule to B4:G11, with B4 as the active cell, the rule is evaluated for...Read more
In this example, the goal is to highlight empty cells in the range C5:J16 with conditional formatting. This is a quick and easy way to locate missing values in a data set. To apply a conditional formatting rule to highlight empty cells, follow these steps:
The Excel ISODD function returns TRUE when a value is an odd number, and FALSE when a value is an even number. ISODD will return the #VALUE error if a value is not numeric.Read more
The QUARTILE function is automatic, and will calculate the 1st quartile with an input of 1, the 2nd quartile with an input of 2, and the 3rd quartile with an input of 3. With an input of 0, quartile returns the minimum value in the data.
The trick in this case is to arrange the...Read more
In this example, the goal is to return a list of the locations for a specific value in a 2D array of values (i.e. a table). The target value is entered in cell N5, and the table being tested is in the range C4:L16. The coordinates are supplied from row 4 and column B, as seen in the worksheet....Read more
Conditional formatting is applied to all cells in the active selection at the time a rule is created.
In this case, the column references are locked to prevent columns from changing as the formula is evaluated, but the row references are relative so that row numbers are free to change....Read more
Conditional formatting is evaluated relative to every cell it is applied to, starting with the active cell in the selection, cell B3 in this case.
To highlight matching rows, we use this logical expression:
The reference...Read more
In this example, the goal is to highlight dates that occur on weekends. In other words, we want to highlight dates that land on either Saturday or Sunday. This problem can be easily solved by applying conditional formatting with a formula based on the WEEKDAY function together with the OR...Read more
In the example shown, row 5 is a header row and which contains a series of valid dates, formatted with the custom number format "d". With a static date in D5, you can use this formula in E5 (copied across) to populate the calendar header in row 5:...Read more
Note: this is a great example of a formula that is hard to understand because the cell references are hard to interpret. The gist of the logic used is this: if the time in row 4 is between the start and end times, the formula should return TRUE and trigger the blue fill via conditional...Read more
The AND function takes multiple arguments and returns TRUE only when all arguments return TRUE. The TODAY function returns the current date. Dates in Excel are simply large serial numbers, so you can create a new relative date by adding or subtracting days. TODAY() + 30 creates a new date 30...Read more
The COUNTIF function counts the number of times each value appears in the data range. By definition, each value must appear at least once, so when the count equals 1, the value is unique. When the count is 1, the formula returns TRUE and triggers the...Read more
In this example, the goal is to apply conditional formatting to cells that begin with specific text, which is entered in cell G2. The highlighting is done automatically with a conditional formatting rule applied to the range B4:G12. The rule type is "Use a formula to determine which cells...Read more