New Excel Functions
Nearly 50 new functions have been added to Excel! This is not your Dad's Excel anymore – a lot has changed. This article takes a quick tour of the new functions, with links to more detailed information....Read more
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Nearly 50 new functions have been added to Excel! This is not your Dad's Excel anymore – a lot has changed. This article takes a quick tour of the new functions, with links to more detailed information....Read more
This formula uses an expanding range for the criteria range inside COUNTIFS:
Because the first reference is absolute and the second reference is relative, the range expands...Read more
Dynamic Arrays are the biggest change to Excel formulas in years. Maybe the biggest change ever. This is because Dynamic Arrays let you easily work with multiple values at the same time in a formula. This article provides an overview with many links and examples.Read more
In this example, the goal is to use VLOOKUP to retrieve the price for a given item based on three criteria: name, size, and color, which are entered in H5:H7. For example, for a Blue Medium T-shirt, VLOOKUP should return $16.00.
The VLOOKUP function...Read more
Dynamic Excel offers 6 brand new functions that solve hard problems in Excel like sorting, filtering, and working with unique values. For those not using Office 365, this page provides some alternative formulas that work in older versions of Excel.Read more
Excel contains over 500 functions, with more functions added every year. That is a huge number, so where should you start? This guide provides a walkthrough of over 100 important functions in Excel with many examples and links. Click function names for details and more examples....Read more
In this example, the goal is to count errors in a workbook by sheet, where the sheet names have been previously entered in a column as shown. This is a tricky problem in Excel for a couple of reasons. First, there is no direct way to generate a list of sheets in a workbook with a formula....Read more
A list and description of just over 50 important Excel shortcuts you should know if you spend a lot of time in Excel. This is a summarized version of the more than 200 shortcuts that are available in Excel for both Windows and Mac platforms.Read more
For simplicity, we use the term "Legacy Excel" to refer to any version of Excel before dynamic array formulas were introduced. Practically speaking, this means Excel 2019 and older, since Excel 365 and Excel 2021 are the only...Read more
Working with formulas takes time, and too often a problem that seems simple ends up taking far too long. In this article, I share tips that will save you time when working with formulas in Excel.Read more
In this example, the goal is to create a formula that performs a dynamic two-way sum of all City and Size combinations in the range B5:D17 . The solution shown requires four basic steps:
In this example, the goal is to create a formula that performs a dynamic two-way count of all color and size combinations in the range B5:D16. The solution shown requires four general steps:
In this example, the goal is to create a formula that calculates an average by group, using the group names in column C. The solution shown requires three general steps:
In this example, the goal is to perform a random sort of the data in B5:B16 with a formula. This can be done with the SORTBY function and the RANDARRAY function.
The...Read more
After decades of waiting, Excel finally supports Regular Expressions, aka regex! Learn how three powerful new functions - REGEXTEST, REGEXREPLACE, and REGEXEXTRACT - can transform complex text operations into elegant, maintainable formulas. Whether you're cleaning data, validating...Read more
In this example, the goal is to create a formula that performs a dynamic two-way average of all age and gender combinations in the range B5:D16 . The solution shown requires four general steps:
Named ranges make formulas easier to read, faster to develop, and more portable. They're also useful for data validation, hyperlinks, and dynamic ranges. This article shows you how you can use named ranges to build better spreadsheets, and better formulas.Read more
Note: FILTER is a new dynamic array function in Excel 365. In other versions of Excel, there are alternatives, but they are more complex...Read more
In this example, the goal is to sum by group, where each group is represented by a different color: Blue, Red, Green, and Purple. The worksheet shown contains two different approaches. In the range F5:G8, we have created a summary table to summarize counts by color. In column D, we are...Read more
Dynamic Excel refers to versions of Excel that offer Dynamic Array Formulas, currently Excel 365 and Excel 2021. We use the term Legacy Excel to refer to all other (non-...Read more
There are eight widely used functions in Excel that use a syntax different from other functions in Excel. This syntax can make these functions more challenging to use, because it is not intuitive. Read on for important information about COUNTIF, COUNTIFS, SUMIF, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIF,...Read more
Formula errors are useful because they tell you clearly that something is wrong in a worksheet. This guide shows examples of each of the Excel formula errors you might run into and provides information on how to investigate and correct the error. It also explains two methods to quickly find...Read more
In this example, the goal is to strip (i.e. remove) non-numeric characters from a text string with a formula. Until 2024, this was a tricky problem in Excel, partly because Excel did not support regex (Regular Expressions), and partly because there...Read more
This example shows a workbook designed to apply discounts based on seven pricing tiers. The total quantity of items is entered as a variable in cell C4. The discount is applied via the unit costs in E7:E13, which decrease as the quantity increases. The first 200 items have an undiscounted price...Read more