The Name Manager is a dialog box in Excel that allows you to create, edit, and delete defined names. These names can be named ranges, named formulas, and named constants. Using named ranges can make formulas easier to read, understand. and maintain Names also provide simple navigation via the Name Box.

To open the Name Manager, navigate to Formulas > Name Manager. Or, you can use the keyboard shortcut Control + F3.

Names ranges

A named range is one or more cells that have been given a name. Using named ranges can make formulas easier to read and understand. They also provide simple navigation via the Name Box.

The screen below shows three of the four names seen above in the Name Manager in use in a formula based on the FILTER function.

Names in a formula example

To quickly create a named range, select the range, then type a name into the name box and hit return. For more information, see: Named Ranges in Excel