This example shows a line chart plotted with over 8000 data points. The data itself is daily stock market information for Microsoft Corporation over a period of more than 30 years. Only the closing price is plotted. When you first create a line chart with this much data, the x-axis will be crowded with labels. The key is to adjust the bounds and units for the in the Axis options area. In this case, the axis is formatted as a date axis.
Below is a small sample of the data used to plot this chart. This data can be downloaded from Yahoo Finance.
Steps to create
1. Create a Line Chart with Date and Close data only.
2. Remove extra data series, leaving only Date and Close.
3. Make sure x-axis is formatted as a Date axis.
4. Set Major units to 5 years, minor units to 1 year.
5. Set bounds to 1/1/1990 and 1/1/2020.
6. Apply number format to the axis ("yyyy") in this case.
6. Adjust upper bounds for y-axis as desired.
7. Add a title and apply text formatting as needed