Excel hours

In Excel, dates are just serial numbers, so a single day has a numeric value of 1. This means that 6 hours is one-quarter of a day (0.25), 12 hours is half a day (0.5), 18 hours is three-quarters of a day (0.75), and 24 hours is 1 day. In the same way, 6:00 AM has a numeric value of 0.25, 12:00 PM has a value of 0.5, and 6:00 PM has a value of 0.75. The table below summarizes this relationship:

Hours Time Fraction Value
0 12:00 AM 0/24 0
3 3:00 AM 3/24 0.125
6 6:00 AM 6/24 0.25
4 4:00 AM 4/24 0.167
8 8:00 AM 8/24 0.333
12 12:00 PM 12/24 0.5
18 6:00 PM 18/24 0.75
21 9:00 PM 21/24 0.875
24 12:00 AM 24/24 1.0*

* In Excel, midnight (12:00 AM) has a dual nature: it has a value of 0 when it represents the start of a day, but it can be 1 inside a calculation that completes a full 24-hour cycle. In other words, as we approach midnight, the value of time approaches 1. But as we cross from one day to another, the 1 is added to the date, and time begins again at zero.

Formatting time

Time is displayed in Excel using a number format for time. To apply one of Excel's built-in number formats for time, follow this process:

  1. Select the cells you want to format as time.
  2. Open the Format Cells dialog (keyboard shortcut: Control + 1)
  3. Navigate to Number > Time
  4. Select the Time format you want to apply and click OK.

Time formatting options in Excel via Format Cells dialog

Duration over 24 hours

To calculate and display time durations over 24 hours, you'll want to use a custom time format like [h]:mm. Otherwise, the duration will appear to "reset" every 24 hours when the date is incremented by 1, in the same way that a clock "resets" each day. More on custom number formats here.

Convert Excel time to decimal hours

To convert fractional time to decimal hours, just multiply by 24. For example, 0.5* 24 = 12 hours, 0.25* 24 = 6 hours, etc. For more details, see Convert Excel time to decimal value.