Featured Formulas

Random numbers without duplicates

In this example, the goal is to generate a list of random numbers without duplicates. This involves jumping through a few hoops because although the RANDARRAY function can easily generate a list of random integers, there is no guarantee that the numbers will be unique. In the explanation below,...Read more

Featured Functions

WORKDAY Function

The WORKDAY function returns the nearest working day n days in the future or past. WORKDAY can be used to calculate due dates, delivery dates, and other dates that should exclude non-working days.

The WORKDAY function takes three arguments...Read more

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Your training is exceptional! I have been using Microsoft Excel since it was first introduced with Version 1 on the Mac back in the early 1980's. You've shown me things I never even thought about.
Pretty novice excel user here and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to setup a spreadsheet exactly how I wanted. I came across your description of the sumproduct function and BAM problem solved!
Everything one needs to know on Excel's functions, in one website. Brilliant !

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