Featured Formulas

Rank and score with INDEX and MATCH

In this example, the goal is to assign points based on a ranked score. The scores to rank are in column C, and the calculated Rank is in column D. Points are awarded based on the table in G5:H10. Both tblData (B5:E15) and tblPoints (G5:H10) are...Read more

Featured Functions


The NETWORKDAYS function returns the number of working days between two dates, automatically excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and optionally excluding holidays provided as a list of dates. NETWORKDAYS can be used to calculate employee benefits that accrue...Read more

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This is the absolute best site for solving Excel problems and finding new ways to use Excel! I will sometimes search the web for a problem and I really don't know why I don't just come here first. I waste so much time trying to understand solutions on other sites. Then I come to ExcelJet and get a solution that I understand and BOOM my formula works! Thanks for this site. It is wonderful!!!
Just a quick thank you for all the help you provide on your site. You help me every day.
So thanks again for your great tip. You are my go-to page for the excel function help, because your explanations are clear, concise, to the point and give you several viewpoints of the same function that helps you construct what you really need.

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