Featured Formulas

Random numbers without duplicates

In this example, the goal is to generate a list of random numbers without duplicates. This involves jumping through a few hoops because although the RANDARRAY function can easily generate a list of random integers, there is no guarantee that the numbers will be unique. In the explanation below,...Read more

Featured Functions

IFERROR Function

The IFERROR function returns a custom result when a formula returns an error and a normal result when a formula calculates without an error. The typical syntax for the IFERROR function looks like this:

=IFERROR(formula,custom)...Read more

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I am a passionate Excel user, and a passionate reader of your site. Even if I am considerate a (moderate) expert (well, I know how to use xlookup, filter, to perform some conditional formatting; this qualifies me as a wizard) your site is the first that I ever mention. I have never found explanations more clear or detailed than yours, you dig inside formulas, you never lose focus to final goal of the formula, you are truly masters of formation.
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